Thursday, November 30, 2006
Update from Home
I ended the Thanksgiving week by participating in the ordination service of my good friend Scott Mann. He has been called to be an Associate Pastor at the First Presbyterian Church of Bellevue, Washington. The service, held at our old church Trinity Pres. in Santa Ana, was wonderful and it was such a blessing to see so many old friends. We moved to San Clemente 4 years ago and haven't seen some of these folks since then. It was such a blessing to know how many still remember our family and are praying for us during this deployment year.
This week Joshua and I are back to our busy school and everything-else-that-I-do schedules. But today we are slowing down a bit as Joshua is sick. I thought maybe he got dehydrated at school yesterday. When I picked him up after school he complained of a bad headache. I asked him what he had to drink and he said, "just the juice box in my lunch." I imagine the kids don't feel as thirsty when they are out playing cause they aren't getting very hot. (For those of you not living in So. Calif., we are having dry, windy cold-for-us weather -- high 60 with 15% humidity). I tried to get him hydrated yesterday afternoon and evening, but at bed time he was crying saying his head hurt so bad. Got him to sleep but he had a rough night and this morning complained about a headache and felt nauseas. So he's home resting on the couch playing with Christmas ornaments and listening to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Hopefully he'll be back to school tomorrow. He has a fun Saturday planned with his friend Alex and his dad -- train to LA to watch the Mighty Ducks and then an overnight at Alex's house. I have planned at pamper-myself-day, so please pray that Joshua is fine by then. :)
Today I received a note from Jon that ended with these encouraging words. "Well, I'm doing well, I'm in good spirits, and believe I'll survive all this hard drive trash [computer problems]. Thanks for your prayers."
Monday, November 27, 2006
Update from the Front
Thanks for continuing to pray for Jon, Joshua and me. We got through Thanksgiving and now have Joshua's birthday and Christmas to "look forward to." Here's the latest from Jon.
Hey, Y’all:
First, I’d like to thank you, from the depths of my heart, for the prayer, support and encouragement that has been showered upon me. There were still times in the last week where I felt like ‘giving up,’ though of course that is not really an option. I’ve been told that at this stage of a year long deployment, there is no real surmounting depression, only coping with it. Through this last month in particular, your support and encouragement through prayers, cards, packages, and being a Community to Sheryl and Joshua have really made a difference. Here’s an update on things over here (from a personal perspective):
There are three separate data bases I maintain, this effort constitutes about a third of my job. There is a web-based product I maintain, this constitutes about 25% of my job. About 30% of my job is tracking documents, categorizing files and sorting products. Back-up of these files is problematic due to the security of the information, and though I had taken some steps to address this issue, I had not implemented a plan for Continuity of Operations (CoOP). Early last week, my primary hard drive (on which the majority of my work is accomplished) self initiated a reformat. Thanks to your prayers and the intervention of some technical experts here, the three data bases were recovered intact. Additionally, the majority of the documents were recovered as well. Of course, the web based product was not affected. The only challenge is that the file structure was destroyed in the reformat, leaving literally tens of thousands of non-attributed documents. This will keep me from becoming bored during the remainder of my deployment; I’ve also taken steps to insure a viable CoOP plan is instituted (so hopefully, this will never be a problem in the future). Additionally, there was a related issue that could have cast doubt on my integrity—though investigation of technical data would have immediately cleared me, the nature of the issue was potentially damaging—but the issue was dismissed by leadership. In all of this, I have been aware of God’s presence and His hand of protection and provision, and the sustaining power of your prayers.
It’s pretty cool being a ‘two digit midget’ (less than 100 days left to my deployment, and getting ‘shorter’ and ‘shorter’ every day). Oorah. Jarhedjon.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
60 cards and a dozen packages
Jon mentioned last week that the guys who work in the post office are now impressed. As you can imagine the Marines he works with are also very grateful. Jon would be rolling home if he didn't share the great food he has gotten. So you can be assured that your goodies are blessing many Marines.
Thank you so much for your out-pouring of love. It has definitely raised Jon's spirits and that helps me as well.
Monday, November 13, 2006
on receiving 2 packages & 26 cards on the eve of the 231st birthday of the Corps
Dear Family, Community, and Friends:
My deployment was very predictable. Having volunteered initially, I was then committed to service as a Marine. Marines are defined as warriors, and our profession is war. It is what we expect. My service is based on a solemn promise, an oath, that I will stand ready to defend the Constitution and obey lawful orders—to fail in this is to fail America, and to break my oath. For me NOT to serve would have been dishonorable. As a professional (well compensated, I might add), I will give my utmost in the performance of my duty—whether my service is noticed or not noticed. This is simply what I have sworn to do. The adversaries of freedom know about me. They know about my training, they study my capabilities, and they exert every effort to defeat me on the battlefield. They know where I am strong, and they know where I am vulnerable. To the adversaries of freedom, I am a formidable but calculable element.
You, however, are not predictable. One of the freedoms I am most proud of defending is your right to remain uninvolved in this struggle against the adversaries of freedom, to even oppose my service in it. My desire is that my involvement in this contest will permit you and your way of life to remain unharmed and unchanged by it. However, you have chosen to do the unexpected. You deliberately got involved. Every unanswered MOTO mail you unselfishly sent; every newsy email you have typed; every encouraging card you have mailed; every caring package you have prepared and shipped; every act of service you have performed for Sheryl and Joshua in my absence; every one of these gifts has increased my ability to serve with spirit, honor, courage and commitment. Every minute of heartfelt intercession you have spent praying for an end to this strife has assuredly done more to bring it about than all my months of service. You have done something that the adversaries of freedom CANNOT counter on the battlefield. Without pronouncing judgment on this conflict, without condoning the conduct of war, you have sacrificed in a meaningful way to bring dignity to service personnel and speed the end of the Global War on Terror. To the advocates of Peace, you are an affirming but most incalculable supporting element.
Thank you so very, very much. Unlooked for, you have upheld me. Unasked for, you have encouraged me. In short, you have been the hand of God ministering to me. My mettle, perhaps, has been tested; yours has been proven. I thank God for your love.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Trip to Seattle
We had other highlights as well. We visited one of the Boeing facilities and saw them building 737s or some huge airplane -- amazing. We had a great time at the Children's Museum which is located at the base of the Space Needle. Joshua got a Washington Huskies sweatshirt. He is very excited cause at his school, where a uniform is required, university sweatshirts and T-shirts are the only exception. So he'll get to wear his new sweatshirt on cold days this winter. We spent our last night at a family gathering with five cousins, an aunt, a couple spouses, friends and children. Good food and conversation made for a fun evening.
So we're home now and warming up. Looking at 70s and maybe 80s this week. Just had to throw that in for family and friends in the Northwest and Midwest. Loving our fall weather.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Seasons Change
Great to hear from Jon about the cooler weather for:
Well, Fall lasted about one day. The temperatures were in the mid 60’s at night, mid 80’s during the day, and had been there for a month or two. Rain had been possible (and actually happened for about an hour out of every 48). Humidity was pretty constant in the 40’s. Then, two days ago, the temperature at 85, the humidity climbs to over 70%, and it rains on and off for about four hours. By the EENT (end of evening nautical twilight), temperatures are steadily dropping, the humidity drops, and now we are sitting at daily highs in the mid 60’s during the day and lows in the mid 40’s at night. Simply incredible. One day.
Those of you who have been praying regarding a possible trip I would have to make (that I did not want to make due to the work load here, among other things), thank you for praying. Those prayers have been answered, the party that I was going to have to see came here instead, and are due in the office any time now. Not having to travel is a real blessing.
Way back at the beginning of my deployment, I mentioned the problem I had with my tooth. Well, thanks to your prayers and God’s intervention, I have not been bothered by the tooth these many months. However, just the last few days and nights, it has made it’s presence known (this is a tooth that the dentist thinks will have to have the nerve deadened and a crown emplaced, but the dental surgical section here doesn’t have all the right equipment). Please continue to pray that the necessity for oral surgery will not become a necessity until I get back to the States.
Speaking of which, I still don’t know exactly when that will be, I have been informed of no firm dates yet regarding my departure, how many days I will be in transit (there is a strong possibility of a three day transition training period to be conducted after my departure from this base but prior to my arrival at my port of debarkation, and what date I might arrive back in the States. I’ll keep y’all posted. Semper Fi, Jarhedjon”
Monday, November 06, 2006
Purple Belt in Tae Kwon Do
We're looking forward to a great time in Seattle this week, even if we get a little wet. :)
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Final Soccer Game
Next week Joshua has three days off from school for parent/teacher conferences and Veteran's Day, so he and I are headed to Seattle to visit family. It will be fun to get away for a few days.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
A tough week