Joshua left for Indian Village at Forest Home Christian Camp yesterday. He'll be gone for a week and will get to sleep in a tepee while he's there. Should be a lot of fun.
Jon was gone for a long weekend with his USMC Reserve Unit, so we are looking forward to having some date nights this week. I am also going to get a girls' night out Tuesday to see "Julie & Julia" when Jon has an association board meeting. Should be a fun week for all of us.
Jon is putting in a couple weeks of work with the USMC this week and then he'll have a couple weeks off. There might be some USMC projects and short trips that he may be able to do in September and October, but we'll see. Still no job offer, but he has had such a busy summer with family visiting and then working that he hasn't been able to focus on the job hunt, which is a full-time job in and of itself. We are trusting the Lord to provide.
Thanks to those of you who are praying for us.