Sunday, April 25, 2010

Seussical Jr.

Had a great time on Friday night at The Classical Academy's production of Seussical Jr. These young kids did a fabulous job -- very professional. We ordered our tickets late so ended up in the front row (A1, 2 and 3), but it was fun. I actually made eye-contact with my niece Emma during one of her songs, which kind of startled her. :) It was also great fun to see my cousin's daughter Emily in her first show. She was a great Thing 2.

It was also really fun to see so many family members at the evening show. My folks went for the Saturday matinee. Good fun.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Update on Dick Moran

Just got this message from Donna regarding my father-in-law. Thank you for your prayers.

Dick just called to say that he is being released from the hospital today. The blood thinner is headed in the right direction, and he can do the rest of the waiting at home, with another check on his blood on Monday at the lab.

The prayer request now is for the clots in his lungs to dissolve so that he can be more active without shortness of breath. He has a large clot in his right lung and a smaller one in his left lung. He thinks his leg is a little less swollen today. The clots in his leg may take many weeks to dissolve.

Things have been crazy in our school district this week with the teachers striking this past Thursday and Friday. I'd appreciate prayers that the Board of Trustees and the Union would continue to talk and come to consensus this weekend (they meet again at 1:00 pm today) so the strike won't continue on Monday.

All for now,


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Please pray for my father-in-law

I received the following message from Donna Moran, Jon's mom yesterday. Please be in prayer for Dick and Donna during this time. Thank you so much.

A week ago today (Wed) Dick went to the doctor because he was experiencing shortness of breath whenever he walked outside. A friend suggested the high pollen count may have been the trigger, and, since his blood pressure was higher than usual, the doctor gave him an additional prescription, ordered a chest X-ray and echo cardiogram, with a follow-up in two weeks. He swam a mile on Saturday (not a hard work-out mile, but a steady swim), and it went well, but later he said he must have pulled a muscle while swimming because he had an ache in his leg. He also had considerably more swelling in his left leg that in his right leg.

Monday (the day of my cataract surgery) the pain and swelling had increased, and by Tuesday his whole left leg ached, was very swollen and stiff. The doctor said he should go to emergency, which we did just before noon. This is the same leg in which he has had cellulitis more than once, but there was no indication it was that again. A sonogram revealed a sizable blockage in that leg, and DVT, deep vein thrombosis, was diagnosed. They started heparin (intravenous blood thinner), and said he would probably be in the hospital for four or five days while establishing a regimen of coumadin.

Further tests have indicated that one or more clots have reached his lung, and he's being sent to the heart cath lab, where they are installing a filter at the lung that will screen out any clot that might approach. They're continuing to explore any other possibilities, especially since he is not a typical DVT patient. He's feeling pretty good and is as mobile as one can be with two IV's. I took his C-pap machine to him, but he's missing the opportunity to sleep on his stomach, which is natural for him.

Your prayers are much appreciated.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Joshua had his third injury at school yesterday, but since I never told you about the other ones, I'll report on them first.

On March 10 Joshua came home with the beginnings of a black eye. He had collided with his best friend on the soccer field during recess and his friend's head had impacted him just above his left eye. The next morning he woke up with a bad headache and convinced me that he needed to stay home from school. Within a couple hours he was fine and I was not too pleased about missing work and keeping him home. Oh, well.

The following Monday, March 15, Joshua came home with a swollen pinkie finger on his right hand. He had been playing football during recess and when he was trying to tag a friend, his finger was kicked and the finger was now bluish and swollen. Since he has had jammed fingers before, we iced it and I sent him to school the next day. When he arrived home on Tuesday, his finger was the same size and still causing him a lot of pain, so I called the doctor and we were able to get in that afternoon. Sure enough, Joshua broke a tiny bony in his finger. Fortunately it was not a bad break so the doctor said we just needed to tape it to his ring finger for a month till the bone had time to heal. So that is what we have done for a month.

Yesterday, April 16, I got a call at work from the school at 11:00 am letting me know that Joshua had fallen during recess (soccer again) and his left knee was really bothering him. After speaking with him, I decided that I should probably come get him, which is what the school nurse wanted me to do. Sure enough he was in a lot of pain and could not put weight on his left leg. The nurse wheeled him to the car in a wheel-chair and then I took him to work with me. Things are pretty slow at the church office on Fridays, so I knew it would not be a problem. He spent most of the time reading his Percy Jackson book while icing his knee. I also found a wheel chair so he could some mobility around the office. After a few hours his knee was still too painful to put weight on so I called the doctor and we got a 4:30 appointment. The knee was x-rayed and there was no sign of anything broken. The doctor tested the knee and didn't think there was too much soft tissue damage, so put him in a knee brace and ordered rest, no running and icing for 48 hours. The brace made it much easier for Joshua to limp-walk instead of hopping. We iced for 20 minutes every hour all evening and Joshua slept in the brace. This morning he said his knee feels much better and can walk slowly without the brace on.

I am hoping that we have moved down the body enough so there will be no more injuries -- head, finger, knee -- of course there are still ankles, toes. :) But I am glad that he can get good exercise at school during recess, so I'm not complaining too much.

Of course it changed our plans for today. I was going to get the day to myself since Jon had to go to our house in Orange to deal with the ongoing plumbing problems. He is removing a small palm tree that we think might be the source of the roots messing up the sewer lines. Joshua was excited about going up and helping Jon, but now he is home with me. Sigh! Oh, well, such is life.

Now you are all up to date with our son's injury adventures. At least none of them have been that big.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Cathcing up

Wow! I didn't realize it had been so long since I posted to this blog. I will blame it on Facebook. Yep, I have become hooked and post to my FB page every other week or so. I realize that those of you who read this blog don't "do" FB, so I'm sorry about that.

Jon is still working for the Marine Expeditionary Force but is not on active duty orders yet. It is a technicality but one that kept him from being able to take time off this past week while Joshua was on Spring Break. I took the week off from work to stay home with Joshua and we enjoyed ourselves, but it was a little different being home for a vacation, but you can't beat Southern California for a vacation spot.

Today we ended the week by visiting the Wild Animal Park and then stopped at Steve & Sandi's for dinner and some great conversation. Joshua had been missing his cousin Evan, so they had a few hours to play Legos and build a pillow fort in the living room.

Tomorrow it is back to work for me and back to school for Joshua. I'll try to remember to write more, but feel free to "friend me" on FB if you set up an account.
