Wednesday, October 03, 2007

One more call for marathon sponsorship

As you all know, Jon will be running his first marathon this coming weekend -- in 4 days. I can't believe it. He was injured in August, but did the "work" of resting and caring for his ankle and has not had any pain during the past few weeks that he has been running. He has not done any of the really long runs (over 16 miles) but he is in good shape and I think will finish well. I am so proud of him!

The most important thing is that he has been able to raise almost $1,000 for a cause that is very important to us -- the World Vision Area Development Project (ADP) in Nkhoma, Malawi. Thank you, if you are one of the many who have joined Jon's "team." I was able to visit the Nkhoma area two years ago before the ADP was started. We have since begun sponsoring two children in the area and have been blessed to be part of a work that is bringing long-term, life-saving changes to this community. If you would like to join the team, please click on this link and make your donation. I know it will really encourage Jon as he prepares to head to Chicago.



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