Saturday, April 19, 2008

A clear day

Check out the contrast from my last entry, "Here is a picture taken in a similar location as the picture of two days ago, just to show the difference... I'm actually about twenty paces further down the road than I was on the dusty day, you can tell by the speed limit sign behind me (which you can see easily on the clear day, but you need to zoom in quite a bit to see on the dusty day). Anyway, I think the difference between the two days, only 48 hours apart, are pretty startling."


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Dust Storm

At noon (Jon's time) he wrote, "Here is the reason I'm glad I didn't go out running this morning. Yesterday at this time the day was clear, bright, and climbing through 90 degrees F on the way to over 100 degrees F. Today, same time of day, it was maybe 75 degrees F on its way to a high of 85, it was very windy, and obviously not clear due to the dust. Since taking the picture its gotten a little worse, but not that much worse. Inside the building its better, but there is still a dusty haze EVERYWHERE, which makes for interesting conditions. Running in this stuff clogs up your nose and coats the inside of your mouth (and lungs?) with dust, it's not a pleasant experience." Then three hours later he sent another quick note, "Well, the percentage of dust in the air is getting worse as the day progresses, it's a little after 1500 here and pretty miserable outside. Of course, I'm not outside, so not too big a deal, but for those that are..."


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A budding photographer

I want to show off a few of the 100+ pictures Joshua took while we were at the San Diego Zoo last Friday. You've gotta love digital cameras. We even got some videos on that one chip. Some of his shots were great, so I thought I'd post them for you animal lovers out there. Can you find the Meerkat, Polar Bears, Cloud Leopard and Lama?


Monday, April 14, 2008

The Geese Grow Up

Here's an update on The Geese. You can check them out in May 2006 by going to the archives of Jon's blog and scrolling down to May 6.

"When I arrived here in February, 2006, there was one duck, three adult geese, and 13 yellow fluffy baby geese. Two of the 13 didn't make it, but the rest seemed to double in size every week. When I left in February 2007, there was still one duck, three adult geese, and 11 pretty big (2/3 of the way to full size) "kid" geese. When I returned in January, 2008, there was still the one duck, and there were a total of 13 adult geese. RUMINT has it that a desert wolf managed to get one of them during the 11 months that I was gone, but I've been unable to confirm the veracity of this report. Semper Fi, Jarhedjon"


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bougainvillea in the desert

A note of some interest from Jon,

"The bougainvillea that I was caring for (not a lot, but sometimes watering it) during 2006 is doing well. Before I left I had "found" a steel structure to provide a support for the bougainvillea, and it seemed to be doing pretty well. Since coming back, where I work is real close to my hooch, so when I clean out my Freedom Press every morning, I walk over and do my cleaning with a water bottle over the plant. That way the bougainvillea gets the grounds and the water. It's doing pretty well now, though when I arrived it was obviously barely alive, those guys were too cheezy to take care of it."

Notes and pictures of the geese coming next.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Spring Break

Joshua and I had a wonderful time at The Ranch, what the France family calls the farm that is owned by my Uncle John, but was where my dad and his 8 siblings were raised in Porterville. It was a dairy farm way back when and now the farm is an organic fruit farm -- oranges, grapes, nectarines, walnuts (are they considered a fruit?) and more on other property. There aren't a lot of animals any more, but we enjoy the ones who do live there -- Fred the cat, Max the dog, Joe the donkey and three horses that recently came to live (Blue, Sancho and Rocky). Oh, yeah, and the Canadian geese who have been coming back to the pond year after year for a long time now. Here are few pictures of the animals we enjoyed visiting. Of course, that doesn't mean that we don't also enjoy John and Cindy. We had a great time celebrating John's birthday -- he's only about 7 years older than me, so I have often think of him as a big brother (not that my mother is old enough to be his mom). And Cindy is just a lot of fun to talk to. I've been enjoying conversations with her ever since she married into the crazy France clan right before I started college.

We were also able to get to the snow up at about 7,000 feet, 40 miles outside of Porterville on Tuesday. It was cold (for us) but I found a sled, took a few rides and then we had a snow ball fight until Joshua's hands were too wet and cold. All in all, a great part of our Spring Break.

Today was a first for both Joshua and me -- we marched and picketed over the issue of budget cuts to education. Joshua was so excited that even when we found out that the governor wasn't going to show up, so there might not be a march, he insisted we take our signs (that he helped make) and go anyways. Turned out the governor skipped his scheduled afternoon visit to a private school in San Juan but showed up for the fundraiser at local restaurant around 5:30. We were making signs, marching, waving our signs and adding to the traffic jam in San Juan with the other 300 or so people for about 3 hours. Quite an experience. Joshua was proud because he made a sign in Spanish "Salva las Escuelas" and said that next time we need more signs in Spanish. We'll be marching next Friday with the teachers from our school, so hopefully then I'll get some pictures. Although it is possible that Joshua's picture may be in the paper and on the local TV news. We'll see.

Tomorrow we're probably heading to the San Diego Zoo, one of our favorite places to spend a day. We'll be back to school and our busy schedules next week, so this week we are enjoying our Spring Break.


Monday, April 07, 2008

Helping to lead in worship

Jon was able to send me this little bit of news that can be shared.

"Well, I made it to church this morning, which is a good thing--I was tempted to sleep in a little, which has been reality on Sundays since they moved the service to 0815 (it used to be 0915). Actually, the last two weeks I've been a part of worship. The chaplains put a sign-up sheet on the table where the bulletins and hymn books are so they can be picked up prior to the service and returned following the service. This was the same way it was in 2006. Now, as back then, I signed up to help. However, last year, the sign up sheet was set up for specific Sundays, where you would sign up to read, help with the music, or help with communion. I helped with communion once last year, and read scripture on at least three separate occasions. This year the sign up sheet is just a generic volunteer list. Last Saturday I received an email from the chaplain with the Scripture (Old Testament, Psalm, New Testament) that would be a part of the service as part of a graphic slide (like a program slide in power point for San Clemente Presbyterian Church), but no instructions, and I thought, "Oh, a nice side benefit from signing up is that the Chaplain has my contact information and can send me advance information in preparation for worship." However, when I arrived last Sunday, the chaplain asked me if I had received his message, and I said, "Roger that, I appreciated the heads up," he started telling me when the scripture would need to be read. I realized that he was relying on me to read, so I went with it, though the only Bible I had to read from was a small print NIV from the bookshelf at the back of the chapel. This week, the other chaplain was running the service, and he actually sent me an email with the scripture printed in it, along with a request that I participate in leading worship. I was able to recommend replacing the version that was being printed in the bulletin with the NLT, which was much more readable, and though I couldn't change the bulletins, as they'd already been printed, the Chaplain approved the reading in the NLT (which I announced preparatory to the reading). Anyway, there are only three people signed up on the volunteer helper sheet, so I've a feeling that we may get called on a lot. The Marine who's been on the list from the beginning of the deployment has participated in worship almost every Sunday since we got here. Semper Fi, Jon"


Sunday, April 06, 2008

Getting caught up

Sorry it's been so long since I posted to the blog. Jon is doing fine, just very busy. I'll try to get something from him in the next couple days that I can post.

Joshua and I have been enjoying the beautiful Southern California spring weather. Over Easter weekend we thought summer had arrived and enjoyed lunch on our patio with my parents. Since then it cooled down again and we kept our jackets handy. Of course it is nothing compared to the weather most of the rest of the country has endured this winter and spring.

On March 29 we enjoyed the Swallows Day Parade in our own San Juan Capistrano and then spent that evening and Sunday with Steve, Sandi, Elena, Emma and Evan in Escondido. Joshua and his cousin Evan are 6 months apart and good friends.

This week is spring break for Joshua and so we drove up to Porterville, to the France Ranch, where my dad grew up and where my family used to come "home" to when on furlough (my parents were missionaries for those who don't know my family history). I lived here two summers during college and love visiting my Uncle John and Aunt Cindy, who now own the farm. Joshua loves to come up and see them as well as the dog Max and the donkey Joe. It is nice to be out of the city and enjoying the country, especially now while it's cool and not 100 degrees, like it can be in the summer.

Thanks for keeping us in your prayers. We've almost hit the 3 month mark, which means only 4 months till we hopefully can be together for a couple weeks when Jon gets his R&R.
