Jon is resting and had some time to write a note to you all.
Hello, Folks:
I am no longer in a country that starts with an "I," and though US Service personnel in this country still draw combat pay, it does not seem the same--I am not on duty. After a year of being one man deep, making a contribution, standing watch, perhaps even, in some small way, being a single point of failure--I've taken the duty belt off. Even a greater challenge faces me now--to re-engage with my family, acknowledge them and the changes that have taken place in them, to value their experiences over the last year. To have patience, understanding and discernment. To listen. To assume nothing.
Additionally, I'd like to personally thank everyone who's prayed for me and my family during this time; cared for us, given to us, encouraged us, and supported us. This task will be even tougher than the first, maybe. However, in many ways these tasks are similar. Both involve many unknowns. Both will demand persistence. In each case, I will wonder what, who, I missed in the process--and I will never know the answers. I have to learn to live with that.
Because of God's blessing and hand on my life, I can not only talk about this year, I can appreciate it. I can give Him thanks for all He's done, both in my life and in my family's life. For any part that you, reading this blog, have played in my life or my family's life over the last year, no matter how "small," it means a lot to me, and I thank you.
When I get back with my family shortly, there may be a period of "silence" while I reconnect with them. I hope y'all will respect that. Thanks.
Semper Fi,