Thursday, February 23, 2006

Getting Started

A number of people have asked how they can stay in touch with Joshua and me while Jon is deployed. I don't know if this will work, but I'm going to try my own blog.

The beginning of this week was very difficult. Dealing with the sense of loss, the saddness, the anger, the whirlwind of emotions, the chaos in my brain, the inability to sleep... Fortunately my counselor encouarged me on Wednesday that everything I was feeling emotionally and physically was completely normal. That helped me to realize that I was not going crazy.

Jon has been able to call me the past two mornings and that has been a real blessing. Hearing his voice and being able to tell me how I am feeling has gotten my mornings off to a good start. I know we won't be able to do that every day, but this week it has really helped.

I am also staying busy during the day, so that helps. In the evenings I've been watching the Olympics.

Well, that's my news for now. Thanks for your prayers.



JarHedJon said...

Sheryl: Way Cool! You are #1 in my favorites! I love you!!
Semper Fi, Jon G.

Sonny Portacio said...


You are in our prayers and thoughts. Let me know if you need any blog (or other) help.