Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Thanks from Jon and Back-to-School Night

Jon sends a note of thanks:

“I’d like to thank Marlaine, Joan, Sandy, Jeanne, Arline, Kareline, and Linda of the Military Prayer Group at a church in Patchogue, NY for your prayers, your encouragement, and support. The Scripture verses you sent me were very uplifting. I am so encouraged that folks are praying for me, people that I have never met, even, adding to the blessings I experience daily in what could otherwise be a very unpleasant situation. I do not take such things lightly or for granted. Perhaps, when this tour is over, I’ll get a chance to meet each of you and thank you in person.

I received a snail mail card from Judy—very encouraging, thank you so much, it is great to hear from you. Letters addressed to me with ANY rank in front of the name will get here just fine, even no rank or “Mr.”, all the guys in the mail section know who I am. I appreciate the moto mails I’ve received, as well—thanks, all of you, for taking the time to engage in what you know is one way communication.

Semper Fi (posted on behalf of JarHedJon by Sheryl)”

Last night was Back-to-School Night at Joshua's school. First grade is definitely going to be different from Kindergarten. The students are now required to speak Spanish in class. Mrs. Hamidi told us last night that when the children speak to her in English she tells them in Spanish that she doesn't understand. Of course the kids are too smart for that and they respond with, "Yes, you do." I signed up to be Room Mom and then this morning recruited a bilingual Mom to be Co-Room Mom with me. It is so great to be at San Juan Elementary with the opportunity to interact with people who speak Spanish as well as parents of other ethnic backgrounds.

That's the latest for the "home front."


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