Friday, July 04, 2008

4th of July

I hope many of you are enjoying a restful time with family and friends on this 4th of July -- US Independence Day. But not everyone has that opportunity today. Jon writes, "Well, I'm doing OK, I made it up in time for a 0830 show time to work, only to find out that the CG [Commanding General] had declared the 4th a light day and folks didn't have to be in until noon... By the time I found that out, it was already 0940 and the meeting was in swing (albeit with only 50% attendance--I wasn't the only one who didn't get the word). I went out with another Marine to take care of some more outside more physical stuff, so that's got my adrenaline going--I'll be OK, I think. I'm going to treat myself to a cheeseburger and fries, I think, at the chow hall tonight, I usually stick with the "good" main line chow, but to celebrate the 4th, a burger sounds like it'd be a good thing."

Although in another note Jon commented, "As long as people know that ALL Marines weren't given a half day, just the staff and HQ Marines -- everyone else was still on post."

I'm enjoying the day with my good friends and based on the pictures I have seen of Joshua he is having a blast at camp.


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