Saturday, July 12, 2008

We're Home

Joshua and I arrived home this evening to some friends who were fixing the ceiling fan Jon had installed only to discover that Jon had done it right (he thought he had done something wrong) we just have to use a remote to make the fan work and not a wall switch. Very cool now that summer has arrived. Thanks, Victor and Karen!

Our drive home from Porterville included a stop in LA at the La Brea Tar Pits. In all my years living in the LA area I have never been to the Tar Pits but my friend Valerie mentioned it while I was in Durango and today I realized that Joshua and I would be driving through LA on our way home and there was no rush so we decided to stop. We got in for free due to our military dependents status, which was nice, but the cost was not bad for others who are interested. We spent more than 2 hours in the museum and walking around the grounds looking at the pits and lake of tar. Very weird to think of the thousands of animals that were trapped and fossilized in those pits 12,000 to 40,000 years ago.

This evening we got the car unloaded, started a load of laundry and got unpacked only to discover that something is wrong with the washing machine. We had a flood in the utility room about 20 minutes into the washing cycle. UGH! After taking 30 minutes to clean up the mess it was 9:00 pm so I got Joshua to bed and sent Jon an e-mail asking for advice. I will plan to call the plumber in the morning. What a bummer. There is never a good time for an appliance to go out but with all our dirty clothes from the trip and having been gone for 2 weeks it would have been nice if it didn't go out tonight. Oh, well, an opportunity to trust the Lord to get us through this little inconvenience without my usual anxious fretting.

I'll try to post more tomorrow or later in the week about my time in the Bay Area with my aunt and cousin as well as an update from Joshua about his two great weeks at camp.


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