Friday, March 21, 2008

Plenty to eat

Those of you who have eaten with Jon will appreciate this report sent yesterday,

"I went to the chow hall tonight and had a full plate of stuff -- chicken fajitas, chicken slices, big helping of mixed veggies, bowl of beef noodle soup, and some cantaloupe, when I saw some chicken cordon blue... I couldn't very well put any of the stuff I had on my plate back, but I just had to have some chicken cordon blue, so I did. Managed to eat all the food on my plate, too, though I skipped dessert (in this case, it would have been banana bread pudding, which is really good...). I'm doing pretty good on my weight, even though I don't have the time I'd like to run, tonight will probably set me back some, but oh well. I also took a 2 hour power nap today from 1300 to 1500, which I really needed. It's about 2245 now, and I should be able to get to bed before 2330--and my meetings don't start until 0930 tomorrow, so a full night of sleep in the offing as well."


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