Sunday, June 01, 2008

A fun weekend

Joshua and I had a great weekend. Saturday our church supported a clean up day at Las Palmas Elementary School in San Clemente. The school is sort of a sister school to Joshua's (San Juan Elementary). Las Palmas was the first school in the district to have the Two-Way Immersion Program, which our school has only had for 4 years. The program started at Las Palmas 14 years ago. Many of our church friends send their children to Las Palmas, so we were glad to go and help. Well, I was glad and I thought it would be a good experience for Joshua. The first hour he kept getting bored and wanting to change jobs (we were cleaning up garbage from under the porches in front of the portable buildings). But then a friend arrived and someone gave him a pick to dig up dirt and two hours later I couldn't get him to leave.

We headed home and stopped off at a Marine Corps fundraising car wash in San Juan to get the Escape cleaned. This is the second time we have allowed these Marines to wash the car. Jon was always the one to wash our vehicles, so I am happy to let other Marines help me out while he's gone. :)

When we got home we did some chores around the house, Joshua did his reading homework (he's required to read 45 minutes a day, seven days a week) and then headed to the pool. A great way to wind down from a busy day. We ended the day playing a new board game. I won't go into the details but after playing this game almost a dozen times we suddenly realized that we had been playing half of the game wrong. Joshua and I were rolling on the floor laughing at our/my mistake. I had read the directions and still missed a big part of the rules.

Glad we were able to have some fun this weekend since this coming week is full of meetings for me and of course school is not over for Joshua yet. He has 2 1/2 weeks to go.

Please continue to pray for Jon. He seems to have gotten over the cold he was fighting, but now the Marine he had been working with has had to leave and Jon is back to working on his own. Pretty soon he'll be training the replacement for the Marine who left and that of course takes more time then just doing the job himself. We are starting to count the days till Jon can come home for 2 weeks this summer.

Thanks for your prayers and encouraging notes to Jon. He is so grateful to get Motomail or regular mail -- whatever works for you.


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