Thursday, March 02, 2006

A good night's sleep

To those of you who have been praying that I would sleep well, praise the Lord, last night I slept through the night (I sound like a baby). I actually set my alarm for 9:00 p.m. to prompt me to turn off the TV or get off the computer and go to be. By 9:10 I was in bed reading The Book of Order (Presbyterian rule book that I'm reading for elder training since I'm joining the Session at San Clemente Presbyterian). Fortunately, The Book of Order was an excellent choice to get me started on my restful sleep. I think I was out by 10:00 and didn't wake up till 5:00 ish. I dozed off till 6:00 and still got up before Joshua. What a relief to have a solid night's rest.

Today my dad is here doing projects around the house -- fixing a fluorescent light connection, cutting the weeds, trimming some bushes, transplanting so bushing, all sorts of stuff. What a blessing.

It feels like I've turned a corner. Thank you so much for your prayers and words of encouragement. I appreciate the e-mails and kind words spoken in person.




JarHedJon said...

Sheryl: That is way cool that your Dad came down for the day, he's the MAN. BTW, did you call Ralph? I love you,
Semper Fi, Jon G.

Egypt McKee said...


I can imagine you trying to tone things down enough to get a good nights rest .... so to hear that you did sleep well is truly a blessing. Be encouraged today, as I pray for you, Joshua and Jon daily. Have a wonderful day!

In His Grip,

Egypt McKee
Out of Egypt Ministries